David Lavorel now helms SITA

Lavorel replaces former CEO Barbara Dalibard who has left SITA after five years at the helm.

Lavorel has been with SITA for more than 20 years, during which he served in a range of senior roles, most recently as CEO of SITA At Airports and Borders.

Omar Jefri, SITA Board chair, said: “The air transport industry has been through an incredibly turbulent period. As we look to recovery, digitalisation of the industry is a key focus. David’s experience and knowledge of both the industry and SITA will be instrumental in cementing SITA’s position as a trusted partner, working with our shareholders to shape the future direction of the organisation.”

Adib Charif, SITA Council president, said: “David brings a deep conviction and commitment to delivering SITA’s vision as a vital industry partner. The SITA Council looks forward to working closely with him.”

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