Travellers more open to non-hotel stays in home continent: Agoda

Travellers are more likely to opt for homestays when travelling close to home, the Agoda Travel & Tech Study on non-hotel accommodations (NHAs) has shown.

The report revealed that travellers from Indonesia (79 per cent), Singapore (71 per cent), the Philippines (82 per cent) and Thailand (80 per cent) will most likely consider booking homestays when travelling within Asia.

Preference for different NHA types like B&Bs, private homes, guesthouses vary across markets

Similarly, travellers from the UK (88 per cent), the US (84 per cent) and Australia (75 per cent) are most likely to book a privately-owned home within their home continent.

Reasons for opting for NHA vary across countries, Agoda further pointed out. Indonesians (55 per cent), Malaysians (54 per cent) and Filipinos (53 per cent) tend to book NHAs to accommodate families and large groups; while Singaporeans (57 per cent), Thais (54 per cent) and Australians (46 per cent) view NHAs as a less expensive option to a hotel room.

Chinese travellers, on the other hand, mostly look to NHAs for a more local travel experience (55 per cent).

Among non-hotel bookers, there is a clear trend in the most popular type of NHAs booked per market. B&Bs rank first for Filipino travellers, with 53 per cent of those surveyed having booked one in the past year. Private homes are among the favourites for travellers from Singapore (44 per cent), Malaysia (40 per cent) and Australia (38 per cent).

And among Indonesian (37 per cent, 36 per cent) and Thai (31 per cent, 32 per cent) travellers, Agoda observed a preference for villas and guesthouses.

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