Hotels not maximising mobile technology

A RECENT TripAdvisor study has found that most hoteliers are not meeting their customer’ mobile expectations even though travellers are now attached to their mobile devices more than ever.

According to the TripAdvisor TripBarometer Mobile and Social survey, 87 per cent and 88 per cent of travellers around the world and in Asia respectively use their mobile devices on the go.

Yet almost one-third of hoteliers around the world are not dishing up additional mobile content for users.

Some 39 per cent of travellers internationally want mobile-friendly sites, which are currently offered only by 37 per cent of hoteliers globally and 27 per cent in Asia. Location-specific deals and special offers for mobile users are in demand at 24 and 27 per cent respectively, but the number of hotels in Asia providing these make up only a woeful five per cent and 15 per cent.

However, TripBarometer reported that this situation is likely to improve in the coming year. While only 36 per cent of hoteliers internationally are prioritising mobile marketing this year, 53 per cent plan on expanding mobile offerings in 2014.

Asian hoteliers are the most likely bunch to ramp up mobile offerings in 2014, (66 per cent), including mobile booking functionality (30 per cent), mobile-friendly websites (26 per cent) and mobile-specific special offers (15 per cent).

Hoteliers are doing better in terms of engagement on the social media front, with 82 per cent of hotels internationally and 84 per cent in Asia interacting with current and potential guests. Facebook and Twitter are the most popular platforms. In the coming year, 55 per cent of hoteliers internationally and 58 per cent in Asia intend to invest more in social media in 2014.

Julio Bruno, global vice president of sales, TripAdvisor for Business, said: “TripBarometer findings revealed that there are opportunities for hospitality businesses to provide value at various points throughout a traveller’s journey. Businesses should engage with potential and current guests on mobile and social media to interact with them in real time through special offers and apps that are popular with travellers. Ultimately, mobile is the direct link to travellers on the go.”

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